Gym Release

Mutable Gym

This is a 3-weeks prototype project with the theme: Gymnasiums.

In this prototype, there is no art, only mechanics. Everyone on the team is a developer (designer + engineer). This project uses Unreal Engine 5 with UE Blueprint for coding. The designer in the team leads the general design process, the producer in the team handles the schedules/communication/release stuff, and the engineers in the team help and lead the mechanics implementation.

Credibility to everyone on the team for implementing their mechanics and their levels to generate a final gym playground with 7 individual 15-second short levels and a final 3-minute level for players to conquer.  Since individual mechanics do not collide with each other, there is almost no design conflict. A likely conflict is envisioned in the early stage, hence resolved before the implementation cycle, which reduces the time and work waste.

 The keyword of this project is "Switch" hence all the mechanics are related to 'switch.' In this game, you will experience: switch characters, switch light/visibility, switch switches, switch perspective, switch passive, switch controls, and switch positions/teleport. There are 7 individual playgrounds for these abilities and short puzzles for you to solve, each takes around 15 seconds. Also, there is a big playground with several puzzles and a final destination for you to conquer.

Please let us know if there is any comments, and if you have time, please help us fill out this form to make this game better!

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If you have time, please also help our developer team fill out this form and make this gym better!